Warning and welcome!

Warning! This is NOT your little sisters blog! If you're looking for the latest review of the Anthropologie catalogue, or a linky party or even an instagram photo you are in the wrong place. What I've got is the popcorn-for-dinner, teenage-daughter-as-a-different-species, homeschooling, hospicing kind of life and that's exactly what I intend to write about. So sit down on a sticky chair, pull up a cup of tea that you've rewarmed in the microwave 3 times and have a laugh at the Further Adventures of Cassie Canuck; homeschool edition.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Another blog about bacon

Another blog about bacon? "But Cass you haven't written about bacon before" you say. No, I haven't but the whole dang world has!

Here's how we got started on the topic; I was cleaning! That in itself is a miracle. Lately I seem to be on some sort of spring cleaning fling thing. Not exactly cleaning with cleaning stuff more like sorting. It's fair enough to say that lately I've derived a lot of pleasure from sorting out stuff like drawers and boxes. It's probably symbolic of an inner need to get rid of what I don't need any more and keep the stuff that matters in my new mental world order. Sooooooooo........... I was cleaning out a drawer and came across a bunch of page a day calendars that I had picked up in late January of last year for a dollar each. One was an "fascinating web site a day" calendar. I had intended to actually check each recommended site out every day, but then as we all know life happens. So the other day I pulled off all the pages of the sites that looked interesting and have been going through them; I'll give you the highlights later. That brought me to this site: http://www.thinkgeek.com/
it has a lot of cool, geekish stuff that I'll also review later. But what caught my eye first was the staggering array of bacon products.

Ladies and gentlemen may I present to you bacon salt: makes everything from vegetables to ice cream taste like bacon. I'd use it on popcorn or I could just buy the bacon flavored popcorn and save myself the trouble of shaking. There's a bacon flavored mayonnaise that I would definitely go for, but I would think twice about bacon flavored gum balls, breath mints and lip gloss. Bacon flavored jelly beans intrigue me.

I'd heard that bacon was a big deal but I'd never really thought about how big of a deal it was. I mean I like bacon a lot. I don't like cooking it so I always use the pre cooked stuff but that's ok. Last year I was at a party and the discussion turned to how bacon makes everything taste better. Want proof? Type the word "bacon" into this site http://www.grouprecipes.com/
and you'll come up with 1206 recipes including one for "pig candy" (sugar and spice coated bacon) that I'd like to try some day. . DON'T do as I did and just type the word "bacon" into a search engine or you'll come up with a lot of uninteresting references to Sir Frances Bacon and other guys with the unfortunate last name. Do feel free to stop at any site offering mention of Kevin Bacon. (Yes by the way I am secretly thrilled that Little Miss Teen has discovered the original Footloose movie; as opposed to the remake due out this year, which gives me an excuse to watch Mr. Bacon). If you want writings about bacon the food not the man, check out the blogosphere. There I found http://www.baconfreak.com/
it has bacon band aids, bacon flavored toothpicks, bacon scented air fresheners, and something called "man bait" maple bacon flavored lollipops. Can't decide on what to eat? Check out their bacon of the month club and of course a whole swack of recipes. Want more? http://www.baconunwrapped.com/
boasts a bacon rap song courtesy of youtube. The fine folks at http://www.iheartbacon.com/
review all things bacon including bacon peanut brittle which does sound yummy to me. There's another bacon themed blog at http://baconbaconblog.com/wordpress/tag/bacon
and over at http://baconshow.blogspot.com/
they are apparently producing "one bacon recipe per day, every day, forever." To think that Stephanie O'Dea thought she had a hard time coming up with 365 crock pot recipes.

Speaking of Steph I'll leave you with one of my favorite bacon recipes from her site: http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/2008/06/crockpot-bacon-and-cheese-chicken.html

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